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Swedish Farming

There is a place where the forests overflow with chanterelles, where berries ripen to sweet perfection under the midnight sun and streams and rivers with clean water slowly flow through the landscape. This is Sweden, the place we call home.

Here in Sweden, we forage many of our ingredients from the woods, the sea and the fields. We have our long, bright summer-nights, our mild summers and four distinct seasons.

Sweden is a land known for its natural beauty and clean environments. We farm our land with a focus on environment and sustainability. Caring for the earth and the soils that our crops springs from is in our blood.

Our farming practices are here to ensure the quality of the product and safety of our food. We stay away from chemicals like straw shortening agents and from slurry manure. To us, this is a natural way of life. It’s therefore not so strange that as people search for the pure and natural and trusted, many eyes have fallen on us.

We are Swedish farmers and we care.

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